January 22 is the anniversary of the passing of that horrific abortion law that caused the death of millions of un-born babies in our country alone through abortion. Every year, at the anniversary of Doe vs Wade, the Pro-Life Movement organize a 'March for Life' in numerous cities in our country. You can read about the Movement and many other articles about the effects of abortion, including testimonies of people who were involved in the industriy and what brought about their conversion here.
As Catholics we should all be concerned about life and the preservation of life. We should all be praying for an end to this horrific and heinous sin against life and God. We should be advocates for the millions of the voiceless and powerless human beings in the womb who cannot speak or fight for their own right to live.
I urge you to pray for President Biden and his administration that they be advocates for life and do what every good Catholic should do, defend the dignity and sanctity of every human life at every stage.
Please pray also for the many women who have been led to believe that their bodies are their own and they can choose to do with it what they wish, and that the only way out is abortion. Holy Scripture states clearly that our body is not our own, but a member of the Body of Christ and the temple of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:19), and therefore every Christian must glorify God in their body by preserving the holiness of Christ by respecting their bodies as the temple of God.
If you are on the internet alot, make this website one of your favorites. The content of this website is updated regularly so you can find out more about the Pro-life Movement.
You can access the Pro-Life website by going to www.pro-lifeatricles.org.